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Homework is a vital part of a child’s education. It provides opportunities to further their understanding of work they have done in class and also enables them to develop important skills such as the ability to study and work independently.  Homework is set regularly (please see the timetable for details of which nights each subject is set). We encourage parents and carers to check their child’s planner (every night if possible) so that they can look through their homework with them.  We believe that this helps provide parents and carers with a good understanding of the work taking place in school and leads to better outcomes for students.

Homework refers to tasks set by teachers requiring completion by pupils outside of school hours. Homework (independent learning) has a beneficial effect on our pupils’ progress and achievement. It is therefore fitting that parents, pupils and staff have an agreed understanding of the requirements.

We recognise the importance of homework. In order to cater for the majority of our pupils who attend after school classes at their local madressa, we have designed a bespoke homework timetable to suit their needs. All subjects will set a piece of homework each week and the pupils will be given sufficient time to complete their homework. Allowing plenty of time during the the week and the weekend to complete. Please see the timetable below for further details.

Pupils in years 7, 8 & 9 will receive a piece of homework per subject once a fortnight.

Pupils in years 10 & 11 will receive a piece of homework once a week.

Pupils in years 10 & 11 have chosen their GCSE option subjects and so will receive one piece of homework out of each of the following 3 categories.

Click Here to view the Homework Timetable 2023 -2024

Languages Humanities Option Subjects
Arabic Geography Art
French History Business Studies
Urdu   Computer Science
    Design Technology
    Food Preparation
    Health & Social Care

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The Crescent,
Deepdale Mill Street, 


Phone: +44 (0)1772 651906