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Attendance & Behaviour

Attendance & Behaviour


The school recognises the clear link between attendance and the attainment levels of pupils and expect the highest attendance thus seeks to ensure that all pupils receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for realising potential.

At PMGHS it is recognised that the responsibility for promoting school attendance and punctuality is shared by the staff, parents, carers and the pupil.  Within school there is a professional responsibility for all staff to support attendance and punctuality. We encourage all students to work towards and strive for 100% attendance and set a minimum attendance target of 98% per year.  Excellent attendance is celebrated and recognised on a regular basis such as whole form treats that have 100% attendance and at the end of each term during our celebration assembly.


We aim to focus on positives at all times, however there are unfortunately occasions when a minority of pupils let themselves, the school and others down through their unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour. When bad behaviour does take place there is an expectation from children and adults alike that appropriate sanctions should be applied. These are clearly understood by staff and pupils and are consistent across all classes, with due regard to the age of the pupil. They are progressive and are relative to the frequency or severity of the inappropriate behaviour.

Rewards and Sanctions

Pupil success is celebrated on a regular basis. Pupils are rewarded for achievement, attendance effort and contribution in many aspects of school life. Different types of rewards are presented to pupils ranging from prizes, trips and certificates. Pupils achievements are further celebrated through celebration assemblies, special events such as Awards ceremony. There is also a consistent sanction system in place to ensure the standards of the school are maintained.


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Get in touch

The Crescent,
Deepdale Mill Street, 


Phone: +44 (0)1772 651906