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We at PMGHS place great emphasis on sport. In addition to the mental health and physical benefits sport provides wider attributes and skills to our young learners that assist them in other areas of life such as:

  • Team work
  • Leadership
  • Competitiveness
  • Self-discipline
  • Resilience

The DofE – Developing young people for life and work

June 2020

Volunteering Hours Certificate

A message from DofE:

Firstly, we would like to thank you for your continued support for our Charity throughout these unprecedented times. In the midst of uncertainty, our DofE Leaders and Participants continue to set a precedent, a shining beacon for our communities to look to for inspiration.

In line with National Volunteers week, we wanted to bring your attention to the fantastic work being carried out across the North of England Region. Across all levels of the Award a total of 661,349 hours has been spent Volunteering which equates to a staggering total of £2,876,868 hours in social impact value.

We would like to take this opportunity to firstly congratulate you and your participants, whilst also thanking you for your continued hard work, motivation and dedication to our Charity’s core values.

To further celebrate the achievements of your Licensed Organisation, we have produced a Social Impact Certificate which highlights the contributions that your young people have made within your local community.

Be proud of your success.

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Get in touch

The Crescent,
Deepdale Mill Street, 


Phone: +44 (0)1772 651906