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Mental Health and Wellbeing


Mental Health and Wellbeing

Having a school environment where every pupil can aspire, enjoy, and achieve is impossible without good mental health. Consequently, the mental health and wellbeing of staff, pupils, and the wider school community is of the utmost importance at Preston Muslim Girls High School.

If you have concerns about your child then you can contact their Head of Year, Form Tutor, or one of the Pastoral Team.

You may also wish to contact the School Counsellor, Mrs Hafiza Akubat (

There are a wide variety of services that you can access if you have concerns about your child.

Wellbeing During the Holidays

The Holidays are an opportunity for rest, relaxation and time with family. However, time away from the routine of school can also bring challenges. This is especially true during the current Pandemic. It is therefore vital that we look after ourselves and our families.


The Charity YoungMinds have a page dedicated to Coronavirus and Mental Health. Click here to access it.


Below are some resources that you mind find useful to help look after the wellbeing of your child during the holidays, and as they prepare to return to school.

Downloads: Below there are some downloads filled with resources and information.

The Mental Health Family Hour: A playlist of videos with mental health professionals who discuss common issues and how you can resolve them as a family.

Return to School: As we prepare for a return to school, it is natural for children to feel anxious. Click here for an excellent guide by Unicef explaining some steps that parents can take to support their children for schools reopening fully.


Below are various links to charities that offer information about mental health, and support for those who need it.

  • Mind – The Largest Mental Health Charity in the UK. 
  • The Mental Health Foundation 
  • YoungMinds – Charity specifically focusing on young people. 
  • ReThink – Charity looking at support, but also the stigma around mental illness. 
  • Samaritans – 24 Hour helpline from specially trained volunteers. 
  • Heads Together – A charity championed by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. 
  • Papyrus – A charity dedicated to preventing suicide in young people. 

Where to go for help

Supporting Children Who Are worried

Quick Links

Get in touch

The Crescent,
Deepdale Mill Street, 


Phone: +44 (0)1772 651906