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Our Islamic Ethos is an integral part of our daily life at school.  We promote values such as:

  • Respect
  • Self-discipline
  • Care for others
  • Tolerance

The acronym of our school PMGHS also embeds core values and qualities that are deeply rooted at the heart of our school. They stand for Patience, Modesty, Gratitude, Humility and Sincerity. Pupils are continuously encouraged to instill these qualities in all aspects of their lives in and out of school.

Our school assures a warm and welcoming learning environment where every pupil feels truly part of our inclusive family. We have created an atmosphere where expectations are high, ambitions are great, and values are deeply rooted; where girls grow into young confident British Muslimahs who are able to pursue their dreams.

Below are a few Spiritual initiatives that are embedded within our curriculum:

Morning Registration Programme 

This has been developed so that our pupils are given the opportunity to build on their skills and knowledge and understanding of a range of aspects such as independence, leadership, personal and spiritual awareness and appreciation of current issues.

  • Monday – The delivery of Hadeeth and Sunnah of the week with spiritual goals
  • Tuesday – Diary, uniform and stationary check, Reading 
  • Wednesday – BBC Newsround/Media update
  • Thursday – Halaqah / Assembly
  • Friday – Surah Kahf (Auditory/visual stimuli) 

Morning prayer 

Hadeeth and Sunnah of the week – Monday form time

The Hadeeth and Sunnah with a summary is delivered weekly on a Monday. Weekly hadeeth and Sunnah presentation is delivered.

Spiritual & Learning Goals – Monday form time

Spiritual goals & Learning Goals targets are set from the Hadeeth of the week and pupils are encouraged during the week to meet these targets.

Halaqah – Thursday Form time

Halaqahs are delivered by Student Shurah and form tutors. Each halaqah topic embeds the core values of the school ‘Patience, Modesty, Gratitude, Humility and sincerity. Many topics such as Human Rights, Healthy Lifestyle and Moral Responsibility are covered as part of the PSHE curriculum. In addition, various series such as the prophets and Sahabiyah’s are also delivered. 

Surah Kahaf Programme

Surah Kahaf is delivered each Friday during form time. 


Whole school assemblies take place with a wide range of topics that embed our Islamic Ethos and British Fundamental values. These are delivered by both internal, external speakers and pupils. 


We work on many charity projects throughout the year. Through the mercy of our lord, we lead secure privileged lives here in Britain, and so we always want to keep the less fortunate in our thoughts and prayers. “Blessed is the wealth of a Muslim from which he gives to the poor, the orphan and the wayfarer” (Muslim). 

Student Shurah/Spirituality prefects

A group of selected pupils forming a ‘Shurah group’ work closely with , SLT , faith lead, and the  spirituality Co-Ordinators to ensure the smooth running of spirituality across the school.

Orphans Sponsorship Programme

We have been launching our fundraising commitment for the Sri Lankan Orphans in the first term of school for six years running, with each form supporting a named orphan. We now have a total of 18 orphans that we sponsor. All forms classes are encouraged to reach a target of at least £365 to support their assigned orphan throughout the year. 

Faith and Character Education 

The school’s faith and character education programme is delivered through a focus on four key themes (character, creativity, community and curriculum).

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Get in touch

The Crescent,
Deepdale Mill Street, 


Phone: +44 (0)1772 651906