Our School Nurse is Linsey Wood who supports the pupils here at PMGHS with a wide range of advice and support.
If you need advice, the school Nurse could help you with:
• Health Advice
• Bullying Issues
• Emotional Wellbeing
• Healthy Eating
• Family Relationships
She can also give advice on a variety of issues, including:
• Stopping smoking
• Healthy living choices
• Puberty
• Weight and healthy eating
• Relationships
• Exam stress
• Personal safety
• Anger management
• Mental Health
• Medical concerns
• Sexual health and relationship advice
• Drugs and alcohol
If you would like more information or would like to see the School Nurse, please see Mrs Member.
School Nurse Messaging Service
ChatHealth, is the school nurse messaging service, is confidential and available Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.45pm. You can message for advice on all kinds of health issues, like sexual health, relationships, emotional health and wellbeing, bullying, healthy eating and any general health concerns.
Pupil Medical Information & Updating Records
If your child has a Care Plan, a copy should be brought into school. If we already hold a Care Plan on record for your child, but there have been any changes/updates to the plan, please send an updated copy of the Care Plan.
If you think your child should have a Care Plan contact Mrs Member.
It is very important that we have the most up to date medical information.