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Our Governing Body

Our Governing Body

We have a devoted team of governors who are actively involved in the life of the school. The Governing Body is a wide and representative group and includes both parent and staff representatives. They come from a variety of professional backgrounds and bring an invaluable set of skills and experiences to help form the school

Our governors set the ethos and strategic priorities of the school and help to make sure that every young person is given the best education, opportunities, and experiences possible.

If you wish to contact the Governing Body, you should address your correspondence to or alternatively at the school address:

Mr Arif Isap (Chair of Governing Body)

Preston Muslim Girls High School, The Crescent, Deepdale Mill Street, Preston PR1 5BY

Rehan Patel, with over 17 years of teaching experience in the subject of Mathematics, began his teaching career as a classroom teacher in a school in Preston, where he soon progressed to the position of second in department and then Head of department. He began his position at Preston Muslim Girls High School in 2016 as an Assistant Headteacher and was part of the Ofsted inspection when the school achieved the accolade of outstanding in the same year.  Rehan successfully completed the national professional qualification for headship in January 2022 and was appointed headteacher of the school soon after.

Founder member of the trust board and has supported the school since it’s inception in 1989.  Mr Patel currently sits on both the trust board and the governing body.

Mr Isap has worked in further education and in the private sector.  Earlier in his career, he trained as a teacher and has been involved in the IT industry for over 25 years. 

Omar is Technical Consultant and is registered Fellow of the Institute of food Science and Technology (IFST) specialising in the field of BRC and SALSA accreditations for companies in food manufacturing , packaging and distribution
During his thirty successful years in retail Senior Management, Omar was awarded several industry awards reflecting his outstanding management and leadership skills. He has also worked in Saudi Arabia for two years heading a company which had over fifty electrical superstores throughout the Kingdom.
Early on in his career after leaving University, Omar worked as a Marine Seismologist for a company overseas in America. 

Sajid has been involved in the school since its inception 2001; and is dedicated to educating and tarbiyah of children and young adults. He has taken various roles within the FGB , currently he is the chair of building and finance.

He has an MSc in Water, Energy and the Environment and has worked in water utilities for over 30 years. His working career includes operations & management of wastewater treatment plants and network and is a subject matter expert and a change agent in these disciplines. His experience, has afforded him an opportunity of working internationally, including the Middle East, and possesses a healthy mix of independence, team working, passion and dedication helping to achieve project goals in complex situations.

He has recently been appointed as a trustee for his employers pension scheme and assumes the responsibility for ensuring the pension scheme is run properly and that members’ benefits are secure.

He his also, a member the Multicultural Network Team promoting diversity and inclusion at his workplace

Mr Hansrot has been involved with the school for almost 20 yr and he says it has been a great pleasure to see the school make such enormous progress in this period.  Mr Hansrot has  been working in the education (FE) sector for almost 25 years.  As a governor of this faith based school he feels it is his responsibility to help run the school effectively by:

a) planning the strategic direction of the school,  satisfying to see the success.
b) Overseeing the Financial performance and making sure the the money is well used for the benefit of our pupils.
c) Making the management (Headteacher/SLT) accountable.

All three of his daughters attended PMGHS and are now pursuing their careers in the teaching profession.

Dr Ridwanah Gurjee is a Principal Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire in the School of Social Work, Care and Community. Mrs Gurjee is Academic Lead for subjects in Community Leadership and Children, Schools and Families.  Mrs Gurjee also leads the International activities within the school and has developed her specialism of peer mentoring, globally, with UCLan students and young people from the Agadir Orphanage Centre in Morocco.  In recognition of the contribution to teaching, Mrs Gurjee is a National Teaching Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  Mrs Gurjee also supervises postgraduate research and supports students in leading their own independent community research projects and leads the UCLan quality assurance processes and procedures for CPD qualifications with the Institute of Leadership and Management.

Mrs Gurjee has published widely in peer leadership and community mentoring and contributed chapters to the Sage Handbook of Mentoring which was a collaboration of mentoring practice and research from across the globe as well as the book on Transformative Education: Changing Lives and Transforming Communities.  Mrs Gurjee has also delivered several conference research papers for the International Mentoring Association, USA, one which has been published in the International Journal of Social Work and Human Services.

Mrs Gurjee is a member of the University Board, Local Educational Authority Governor and External Examiner for the University of Sunderland and plays a vital role in ensuring excellence in education.

Mrs Kalang has been teaching at the school, since 2003, as a Physical Education Teacher after graduating from Edge Hill University with a BSC in Sports Studies. She has also been a pupil at this school since its inception in 1989, and has seen the school evolve into an outstanding establishment. Whilst working closely with the community, she has delivered many active projects to empower the community in improving their health and fitness. Mrs Kalang’s hobbies include: running, walking long distances, watching football and eating cake!

I’m passionate about sports, health and wellbeing and ensuring all pupils achieve their full potential.

Mrs Bux is an elected Parent Governor who has held the role for over five years. She is delighted to be able to contribute to an outstanding education establishment.

She is a proud (and busy!) Mum to 5 beautiful children as well as working as a qualified pharmacist. She has a keen desire to pursue projects, with a particular focus on the youth, to bring about social improvement and help build a thriving local community. Physical and recreational activities, as well as spiritual classes such as tajweed, seerah, youth and adult halaqah, are at the heart of her community endeavours.

She is also a Group Scout Leader for 10th Fulwood (Salaam) Scouts, where she overlooks the management and provision of Scouting to over 130 young people.

Additionally, she organises and manages a female youth Halaqah group, from Masjid e Salaam, to help guide and nurture their personal, social, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

She takes time to look after her physical health by attending fitness classes and undertaking lengthy walks. Enjoying family outings are a must for a busy working wife and mum.

Mr Khan is a pharmacist and is currently responsible for training and professional standards at community pharmacy group, Imaan Healthcare. He is a Training Programme Director for Foundation trainee pharmacists at Health Education England and has served as a Fitness to Practice committee member at the General Pharmaceutical Council. Mr Khan also sits on the Local Pharmaceutical Committee for Lancashire.  

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The Crescent,
Deepdale Mill Street, 


Phone: +44 (0)1772 651906